It’s 1958 and Cary Grant is at the height of his fame and his powers. He is adored by cinematic audiences around the world but there’s something missing.
On screen, he is the sophisticated romantic. In the real world, he’s staring down the barrel of yet another divorce. On screen, he’s light-hearted and level-headed. In the real world, he hides from (and is troubled by) the dark secrets of his past.
If he’s honest, the biggest problem is that he doesn’t have the slightest clue who he really is. He just knows he’s not Hollywood’s Cary Grant. But he also knows he’s not Archie Leach either, his birth name in Bristol, England.
What can he do about that?
Well, he does what any self-respecting Hollywood movie star would do, under the circumstances. He decides to try LSD.
Cary On is a journey into the heart and mind of a cinematic icon. And, more importantly, of the man who brought him to life.
Wink Taylor as Cary Grant, with Barnaby Eaton-Jones.
Written by Kenton Hall
Audio Adaptation (and Concept): Barnaby Eaton-Jones
Music: Darrell Maclaine
Sound Design: Jospeh Fox
Graphic Design and Artwork: Robert Hammond
Executive Producer: Paul Andrews
Producer/Director: Barnaby Eaton-Jones
An AUK Studios production © 2023